April 1st 10am – 2:30pm at our Ketari Lodge

Stephanie Reger is a grower and naturalist who propagates dahlias by tuber saving and division, through seed starting, and by cuttings.

Stephanie’s talk will address common dahlia growing techniques and discuss other roles that dahlias can play in your garden, including the support of pollinators. Stephanie’s approach is influenced by permaculture training grounded in total ecology considerations and interactions from below the soil up!

We will offer tubers of several varieties of mid-sized dahlias from various flower forms. Special collection tubers will be offered, as well as self-pollinated and seed dahlia tubers, all grown in Stephanie’s upstate NY garden.


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4953 Vine Street
San Diego, CA 92465

Office hours

Workdays at
9:00am – 6:00pm

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(815) 555-5555

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