Half-Day Retreat

Half-Day Retreat

Free Half Day Retreat for Pediatricians Please consider making a donation in support of our half-day retreats which are free to health-care workers We are honored to provide these opportunities Click Here to Donate ^ Click Here to...
Popcorn Fundraiser

Popcorn Fundraiser

We’re thrilled to announce that Marydell Faith & Life Center has teamed up with Pop-a-Licious, an amazing locally-owned business, to bring you our exciting basketball hoop fundraiser! Let’s raise funds that will make a real difference for our summer...
Dahlia Sale

Dahlia Sale

April 1st 10am – 2:30pm at our Ketari Lodge Stephanie Reger is a grower and naturalist who propagates dahlias by tuber saving and division, through seed starting, and by cuttings. Stephanie’s talk will address common dahlia growing techniques and discuss...
Seedling Sale

Seedling Sale

SAVE THE DATE: Saturday May 20th Time: TBA Please email us to register: mflc@marydell.org Seedling Sale to Benefit Marydell’s Children’s Garden (Click for Flyer)
Children’s Garden Club

Children’s Garden Club

In 5 after school sessions, children ages 4-9 will learn to plant and tend a vegetable garden, explore the science behind growing plants, identify different kinds of bugs, do some crafting, and experience the joy of growing their own food! Please see the flyer for...


Get in touch with us

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4953 Vine Street
San Diego, CA 92465

Office hours

Workdays at
9:00am – 6:00pm

Call us

(815) 555-5555

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