A letter from Sister Veronica & Kathy Alexander

Dear Friends,

On Saturday, December 7, Marydell Faith & Life Center will celebrate 20 years of the lighting of our Tree of Peace and Light. On this momentous occasion, I thought it would be good to remember how this much-loved Marydell tradition began. Below are the words of Kathy Alexander, the person who helped Sr. Marie de Lourdes begin this celebration.

In 2004, Sr. Marie de Lourdes was searching for a special project to reach out to our Marydell friends, families, and to the larger community during the winter season. We discussed ways in which other organizations invited people to participate in an uplifting event. This inspired us to create “The Tree of Peace and Light.”

Lights on the tree symbolize loved ones, mentors who inspire us, people who are isolated or lonely, people who are ill and those that provide care, the poor, those suffering due to war, those who serve our country, those who are imprisoned, teachers, family members, including children, and our loved ones who have died. Anyone who has been a source of kindness and inspiration. And anyone who needs comfort and support.

Let us gather as a community and honor how light has entered our lives on this 20th Anniversary of the “Tree of Peace & Light.”

We will gather at 4:30 in the dining room of Marydell. Hope to see all of you.

Many blessings,
Sr. Veronica & Kathy Alexander



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