Spotlight on Events ‣ Maple Sugar Day

On February 24th, Marydell came alive with the sweet aroma of maple syrup as we hosted our family-friendly Maple Sugar Day. Friends young and old joined Bob Stien and his wife, Enid, our master syrup-makers, in the age-old tradition of turning sap into syrup. Laughter and learning filled the air as families gathered to witness the magic of syrup-making. The day was a reminder of the simple joys that nature brings to our community. This delightful event was just a taste of the down-to-earth, fun-filled activities that Marydell offers.

Thank you to all those who came out on this day! A heartfelt thank you to Andrea Swenson for her wonderful article capturing the essence and excitement of our Maple Sugar Day.

“What drew me to Marydell was being able to expose my students to the outdoors and an environment completely different from what they are used to. Most of my participants are not used to seeing so much greenery and they do not get to go outside their neighborhood. I felt the beautiful grounds at Marydell were a great experience for the children. I wanted also to provide a safe space for my participants to go swimming.

Marydell is a special place because the staff has always been very kind and caring towards the children and my staff. It is very well maintained and the children really love it there. They get to learn a lot about nature. The hikes, beach walks, and natural crafts make our inner-city day camp feel almost like a traditional sleep away camp. The addition of the garden has been a wonderful experience for the children as well.”

Madeline Rosario

New Settlement House


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